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Free entry. Vegan food at cost.
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www.animal-liberation.at / english / solution


Austria has a very lively Animal Rights movement that has reached a lot of important goals in the last few years. But Austria is by far not the only country that improves the animals' conditions. You can find highly motivated people working for animals in all European countries - the Animal Rights movement is definitely on the rise. Especially people in South-East European countries have become more and more active. But we can only achieve our goals if we are enough people that strive for them. The more people there are to campaign for animals, the more goals we can reach! And we need to work in a lot of different areas:

We need to monitor current Animal Welfare regulations, we need to campaign systematically for law amendments, we need to work against industries that exploit animals, and we need to make revolutionary changes to the relationship between humans and animals.

This Animal Liberation Workshop will give you all the help that you need to become active and selforganized. You will learn:

  • what Animal Rights are
  • what the Animal Rights movement is doing, and what goals it wants to reach
  • how you can change your own life accordingly
  • where you can help in your country/region
  • how you can form an Animal Rights group yourself
  • how demos, actions and campaigns work
  • how you should deal with authorities, and what your rights are
  • how direct animal liberation works

additionally, you will see a lot of videos and meet many new people who believe the same things!
This workshop is for all of us who care about the treatment of animals in our society.