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Note: The contents in words and pictures of this article are based on the facts when it was first published (07.02.2011).

Vienna, am 07.02.2011

Animal Protection Trial: Second Police Infiltrator exposed

VGT identifies Undercover Agent 481 – Permanently under the influence of alcohol, served time in prison and whose application for a job with VGT was turned down

A déjà-vu: yet another infiltrator who, once again, has nothing of any criminal relevance to report. As with the first infiltrator, 'Danielle Durand', police also attempted to cover up her operation. However, this second infiltrator, unlike 'Durand', is not a police officer. Undercover agent 481 operated inside VGT, or in other words, was animal rights active from the beginning of May 2007 until the beginning of November 2007.

Recruited from prison by police after it came to light that she had had contact to VGT in 1999

VGT has managed to expose the existence of 481 after a report written by the officer responsible for her operation mentioned that undercover agent 481 had been involved with VGT briefly in 1999 and was then operating undercover from May to November 2007. The report also mentioned that she had applied for a job with VGT and that the VGT office had phoned her in connection with her application on 3rd September 2007. It was then possible for VGT to work out the identity of 481 by going through the records of telephone calls listened in on and documented by the police.

At least two infiltrators operating in VGT at the same time, sometimes even at the same protest

Spokesperson of VGT DDr. Martin Balluch commented: “It's no surprise that the police want to keep their investigation files hushed up, regardless of their legal obligation to present them. The results of these infiltrations not only prove our innocence by delivering a constant stream of exonerating evidence but they also demonstrate the sheer incompetence of the police. To use a woman with a drink problem as an infiltrator by offering her a deal to reduce her sentence is more than embarrassing. We demand to know exactly how many infiltrators have been planted or are still planted in animal rights groups. And we also demand to finally be given access to the full investigation reports including the surveillance of our office and tracking device on our car.”


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